Home Life Style How to make anti-ageing Vegetarian Collagen powder – Times of India

How to make anti-ageing Vegetarian Collagen powder – Times of India

How to make anti-ageing Vegetarian Collagen powder – Times of India

A standard collagen supplement is typically derived from animal, which is not consumable to most vegetarians. There is, however an alternative to create a vegetarian-friendly collagen supplement that aids the formation of the skin and provides the body with the building blocks to manufacture collagen. Although your body can’t produce natural collagen from plants, there are compound sources that have been proven to promote the natural production of collagen in your body.Here is the step-by-step guide on how to prepare homemade anti-aging vegetarian collagen powder yourself.

Why use vegetarian collagen powder?

Ethical considerations: The vegetarian collagen powder is said to be suitable for vegans and vegetarians as it is in line with all the ethical and dietary requirements.
Nutrient-dense sources: The sources are said to be high in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that generally boost health.
Blending: You can adjust the ingredients according to your requirements up to the texture and health goals.

Ingredients required

To create your vegetarian collagen powder, you will need the following ingredients:
Agar-Agar powder: This is another plant-based gelatin derived from seaweed that could reverse the usual texture of typical collagen.
Spirulina: This is the algae that blue-green and rich in protein, vitamins, and antioxidants. These beauties are going to be great for skin health.
Citrus zest: These peels of lemons, oranges, or grapefruits are hence full of vitamin C that is required much for the synthesis of collagen.
Nuts and

Add a scoop of collagen

Collagen powder supports joint health and skin elasticity and can be easily mixed into your coffee.

seeds: Walnuts, chia seeds, and flaxseeds contain omega-3 fatty acids and proteins that both help in elasticity in the skin.
Hemp protein powder: this is a great plant-based protein and could actually increase the nutritional value as a whole.
Turmeric: this spice has anti-inflammatory properties and could add glow and health to the skin.

How to make it

Step 1: Chop your ingredients
Citrus zest: Using a grater or zester grate the outer peel of your citrus fruits, taking care not to get the white pith-it can be really bitter.
Pre-soak the seeds: In case you are using chia or flaxseeds, then you should pre-soak them for at least overnight or any number of hours to allow it to break down and be easily absorbed.
Step 2: Combine all ingredients
Add base ingredients to a blender and blend together: 1 cup of agar-agar powder, 2 tbsp spirulina powder, and zest of one lemon or orange.
Add nuts and seeds: Walnuts, 1/4 cup; chia seeds, 2 tablespoons; hemp protein powder, 2 tablespoons. These add healthy fats and proteins.

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Add turmeric: This adds 1 teaspoon for anti-inflammatory properties and brightens the colour.
Step 3: Powderize
Mix: Pour the mixture to a high-speed blender or food processor. Blend till you have a fine powder as well as all combined; you will know it’s ready when all particles are in a nice and uniform powder.
Store: Transfer your vegetarian collagen powder into an airtight container. This would be glass for less interference with light. Store it in a cool, dry place.

How to use your vegetarian Collagen Powder

Smoothies: This is a powder that you can add to your morning smoothie for an extra nutrient punch.
Baking: Mix it into your muffin or pancake batter for an added protein punch and nutritional health benefits.
Soups and sauces: Stir it into soups, stews, or sauces for an intensity in flavor and nutrition.
Beverage: Mix it with water, herbal tea, or plant-based milk for a nourishing drink.

Collagen booster powder

Making homemade anti-aging vegetarian collagen powder is very easy. Nutrient-rich ingredients in this recipe will accelerate natural production of collagen in your body while availing you of several health benefits, and use it every day to maximize the elasticity of your skin, reduce early signs of aging; overall, advance your health. And as always, the secret ingredient to any diet plan is to be consistent!

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