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Healthy Lifestyle To Proper Weight, 6 Ways To Reduce Snoring During Sleep – News18

Healthy Lifestyle To Proper Weight, 6 Ways To Reduce Snoring During Sleep – News18

In some cases, snoring can also lead to suffocation.

Snoring is a vibration of the tissues in the throat caused by the partial obstruction of airflow.

Snoring is a common problem faced by many people. Even though the snoring person may not notice it while sleeping, it can be a difficult situation for others around them. In some cases, snoring can also lead to suffocation. But why does this happen? Snoring is a vibration of the tissues in the throat caused by the partial obstruction of airflow through the mouth and nose during sleep.

Men are more prone to snoring than women. Excessive weight in the neck or throat area can also sometimes cause snoring. Airway obstruction, obesity and lack of sleep are common causes of snoring.

A Mumbai-based doctor Sheetal Goyal explained, “Several factors can lead to this obstruction including a stuffy nose, enlarged tonsils or adenoids, excess weight, sleeping position and the natural relaxation of the throat muscles with age. When we sleep, the muscles in our throat relax, collapsing the airway and causing snoring. In addition, lifestyle habits such as drinking alcohol and smoking can further relax the throat muscles and increase nasal congestion, making the situation worse”.

Tips to Reduce Snoring:

Maintain a Healthy Weight:

Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial as extra weight in the neck area narrows the airway. Even a small amount of weight loss can make a significant difference.

Healthy Sleeping Position:

Adjusting the sleeping position is also important. Sleeping on your side instead of your back can help prevent the tongue from falling backwards and blocking the airway.


Staying hydrated is crucial, as dehydration can lead to thick mucus that worsens snoring.

Managing Allergies:

Managing allergies is another effective strategy, as they are a major cause of stuffy noses. Using air purifiers to limit exposure to allergens and taking antihistamines can help improve airflow.

Reducing Alcohol Consumption:

It is essential to limit the consumption of alcohol and sedatives before bed, as these substances relax the throat muscles, thus increasing susceptibility to snoring.

Healthy Lifestyle:

Exercise and a healthy lifestyle can further improve overall sleep quality.

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