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Your Rs 1 Crore Will Become Worth Just Rs 17 Lakh: How Inflation Impacts Your Wealth, What You Can Do About It? – News18

Your Rs 1 Crore Will Become Worth Just Rs 17 Lakh: How Inflation Impacts Your Wealth, What You Can Do About It? – News18

If inflation is around 6% every year, things that cost Rs 1 crore today will cost more in the future.

Let’s explore how inflation impacts the purchasing power of Rs 1 crore over time and the strategies to mitigate its effects.

We often hear about inflation eroding the value of money over time. But what does that actually mean for someone with significant savings, say, Rs 1 crore? Let’s explore how inflation impacts the purchasing power of Rs 1 crore over time and the strategies to mitigate its effects.

1. Inflation: The Silent Thief

Inflation is the gradual increase in the general price level of goods and services. As prices rise, the same amount of money buys less. For instance, if inflation averages 6 per cent annually, what costs Rs 1 crore today will cost significantly more in the future. Your Rs 1 crore will remain numerically the same, but its purchasing power will diminish considerably.

2. The Shrinking Value of Rs 1 Crore

Let’s visualise the impact of a 6 per cent annual inflation rate on Rs 1 crore over time:

After 10 Years: Your Rs 1 crore would be worth approximately Rs 55.87 lakh in today’s terms, a loss of almost half its purchasing power.

After 20 Years: The value would further dwindle to around Rs 31.15 lakh, leaving you with less than one-third of your initial purchasing power.

After 30 Years: Your Rs 1 crore would be reduced to a mere Rs 17.42 lakh, a staggering decline to just over one-sixth of its original value.

3. Why Does Money Lose Value?

The reason is straightforward: as prices increase, your money’s ability to purchase those goods and services diminishes. Just as a cup of tea that cost Rs 5 a few years ago might cost Rs 20 today, the purchasing power of Rs 1 crore will also erode over time due to inflation.

4. Protecting Your Wealth: Strategies for Growth

Fortunately, there are ways to combat inflation and ensure your savings grow rather than shrink:

Invest in Equities and Mutual Funds: Historically, stocks and mutual funds have delivered returns that outpace inflation. A 10 per cent annual market growth could potentially turn your Rs 1 crore into approximately Rs 2.59 crore in 10 years, Rs 6.73 crore in 20 years, and a remarkable Rs 17.45 crore in 30 years.

Explore Real Estate: Property values tend to appreciate over time, offering potential rental income as well. However, it’s essential to remember that real estate markets can fluctuate, just like the stock market.

Consider Gold and Commodities: Gold is often considered a safe haven asset during periods of high inflation. Its price tends to rise when inflation surges, making it a popular hedge against inflation.

Seek Inflation-Protected Investments: While traditional fixed deposits and bonds may not always outpace inflation, certain government bonds offer returns linked to inflation rates, mitigating the impact of rising prices.

5. The Current Inflationary Landscape in India

With India’s inflation rate hovering around 6.4 per cent, exceeding the government’s target of 4-6 per cent, primarily driven by rising food prices, it’s crucial to make informed investment decisions to safeguard your wealth from erosion.

6. Conclusion: Don’t Let Inflation Erode Your Savings

Leaving Rs 1 crore idle in cash exposes it to the detrimental effects of inflation. Over 10, 20, or 30 years, its purchasing power will significantly decline. To counter this, consider investing in assets like stocks, real estate, or gold, which have the potential to outpace inflation and grow your wealth, securing your financial future.

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